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Pacific Ventury Business

Give Power To Your People

Because your organization must prepare for the challenges to come, Pacific Ventury Business brings you its expertise.

To address fundamental issues that impact or will impact your organization, we design adapted workshops to help your teams understand the current context, human fundamentals and develop positive and effective leadership.

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Making connections

Why We're Great >


"A dynamic and inclusive way to facilitate that allows each and everyone to get ones space, express oneself & pursue ones own reflection."

Asking good questions

Why We're Great >


"The content of the workshop allows you to ask yourself who you truly are".

Helping to grow confidence 

Why We're Great >


"This workshop helped me to grow self-confidence and to grow hope for my Future."

Human Development Workshop

Understanding Communication

Language is for mankind a first age evidence. Still, the force of habit makes us forget sometimes the strength and the impact language can have, in all its ways, and all the tricks it can host.

Language has a social, philosophical and psychological impact, it’s the tool for decision making.

This workshop comes to put on stage the role of communication in social interactions, especially in organizations. It focuses and traps and bias of language and communication and on understanding of decision making processes.

Generate an personal awareness on how each participant communication in the organization, how to prevent conflict and develop better habits of communication in the organization.

8 Hours with an option for a shorter session (4 Hours)

Price on demand

Human Development Workshop

Growing from diversity

In the global world of today, the main strength of an organization is its ability to adapt to new trends, cultures and all the evolutions occurring everywhere in the world. This strength can be found in its own diversity: social, ethnical, cultural…

But, this has to be managed sharply not to make it as a inefficient tool blocking the development of the organization.

This workshop aims to help employee understand the diversity of their environment and make them realize the richness of it.
It is related to the workshops on values and culture as well as the topic of authentic leadership.

Prevent conflicts based on cultural misunderstanding and biases, Help to orientate the vision of diversity as a major asset in the organization.

6 Hours

Price on demand

Human Development Assistance

Learn from your own experience (Case study)

"You don't learn from your experiences. You learn by taking the time to reflect on your experiences" John Dewey

Your organization already has all the knowledge and experience it needs to progress and grow. It is therefore a question of valuing the experience and the experience of your organization in order to draw out useful lessons for your staff: a real specific educational work!

Pacific Ventury helps you to develop educational study cases based on the experience of your organization: Discussion, Diagnosis, Information retrieval, Formalization, Educational tools to transfer the knowledge

Build educational tools based on knowledge and experience of the company to facilitate the impregnation of knowledge, involve teams and build continuity over time and effective transmission of experience.

20 Hours

Price on demand

Human Development Assistance

Refining the values & culture of the organization

In a world in perpetual change, where the human remains the safest element of the organization, the values must be a concrete and daily element of the work of the company. If the company is limited to superficial work or the sole direction of the company, there is a high risk that staff will refuse to adhere to these values.
But it is fundamental to make each employee an ambassador of the company and to allow each employee to know and live by the values of the organizations. For this it is fundamental that the employees are involved in the process and that the values are not imposed on them but rather that they come from their collective work.
It is therefore very important to create a sense of belonging throughout the company's history and to put all staff members in a project "larger than themselves".

Through inclusive tools adapted to the daily constraints of the company, this program supports the company in the (re) definition of its values and, more importantly, in the implementation of tools and processes that materialize these values.
Dynamic approach and integrated into the history of the company, it helps to revitalize teams and reappropriate the image of the company by employees.

16 Hours

Price on demand

Individual growth Workshop


« No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.. »
— Albert Einstein

At work, every day is about facing different situations that don’t fit in the frame of standard procedures and habits. One must be creative to find efficient and effective solutions for the benefit of customers and at an acceptable price.
Creativity requires autonomy, commitment and the ability to consider that everyone can be part of the solution.
This workshop is designed to implement several tools in order for people to understand their own creativity.

Enhance employee’s self-confidence on their own creative abilities and strengthen their will to propose ideas and solutions in their daily work.

8 Hours with an option for a shorter session (4 Hours)

Price on demand

Individual growth Workshop

Public Speaking

Communication is an essential skill for any individual within an organization: it’s about his/her abilities to deliver clearly an idea, a project, to motivate and convince teams or promote the organization outside.

The secret of every good public speakers lies in a hard work and a good preparation.

We provide tools and coaching to help individuals gain confidence on public speaking, help them to build clear and efficient presentations and work on their « stage appearance ».

Help people develop confidence and ease while talking in front of people, whether in meetings or specific events.
Teach people ways of improving without losing their personalities (introvert, extravert) and develop tools to be at their best when speaking.

4 sessions of 2 Hours

Price on demand

Human Development Workshop

Handling change

The key to success for any change implemented in an organization lays in the acceptation of change by individuals.
As well planned as possible, no project can be led to its final port unless people benefiting or living this changing process can understand its use and moreover the interest they can have in it.

This workshop, prelude to the assistance we provide on change implementation, aims to give keys to identify what creates change, the natural reluctance that people can feel for change and how to overcome those.

Help people understand that change is mostly prevented because people don’t want it to happen. And by doing so, make people aware that for the next change to come they will be those who will lead and create the success of change.

4 Hours

Price on demand

Human Development Workshop

Generations’ interactions

Mindsets, ambitions and expectations of an individual are strongly tied to his/her social environment. Trends and tendencies diffuse from early school to professional life and are impacted by the social & technical evolutions as well as historical events.

Since the 80’s, several sociological studies show how much the gap is growing between generations, which can be the source of interpersonal conflicts.

This workshop comes to light up these gaps, their origins and causes and the impact they have on people.

Facilitate communication between generation in an organization, give managers tools to deal with different generational mindsets through a better understanding of the core expectations of each generation.

2 Hours

Price on demand

Human Development Assistance

Change Management

Further than the sole workshop on change, we are here to help your emplois understand the mechanisms of change during times of change. We give you assistance inside your organization when you implement important changes: fusion, reforms, new services development…
We’re here every day as long as needed for your employees to have someone to talk to, to identify the barriers that prevent changes to happen efficiently and find solutions for a better improvement of your project.

Providing assistance through a daily coaching for all the employees, find useful tools for communication and generate approval for change.


Price on demand

Human Development Assistance

Team Building Seminars

Entrust us with your staff, we take them out of their offices, out of work codes and behaviors to challenge them on an external site (hikes, role-playing games, theater…)
more inclusion: outside hierarchical frame, we create a natural dialogue between people without consideration of position, jobs…
enhance trust & self-confidence: each activity is designed to create challenges generating trust among teams, mixing skills and positions, and push those in leading positions to gain confidence. We create a learning outcome for each activity: leadership, communication, confidence…
more fun thus more impact : managed in a nice & positive place, these challenges will give an opportunity to your employees to share a new and different view about the company.

Create inclusiveness between teams, help on conflict solving process, foster employees motivation, make them feel and live the culture and values of the organization.

4 Hours

Price on demand

Individual growth Workshop


Communication is a key to a powerful and effective team. In order to communicate efficiently, you need to know yourself and have a good understanding of your and other’s attitude and behaviors. As everyone has its very own way to react, its own personality… we need to have a tool to understand it.

Enneagram is a helpful tool to identify people’s personality. Through 9 specific frames, this workshop aims to light up employees on their own behaviors and ways to communicate, understand other’s reactions and learn how to finely decode other personalities and attitudes.

Enhance and sharpen employees’ communication, avoid conflicts arising on misunderstanding attitudes.

6 Hours

Price on demand

Events Management

Keynote Speaker

You’re organizing a professional event internal to your company or as part of a trade show, a promotional event?

Do not hesitate to use our services to benefit from a professional speaker for the opening of your events and seminars. According to a theme decided with you, we offer our services "Keynote speaker" to bring an element outside your seminars and business events.

Pacific Ventury is referenced as a professional speaker.

Provide an additional perspective & vision as part of your professional events, ensure a pragmatic approach and give content to your events.

2 Hours

Price on demand

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