Pacific Ventury
Mar 9, 20217 min read
“C’était mieux avant”… vraiment?
Le passé nous enferme dans nos paradigmes. Il est temps de se libérer des chaînes du passé pour appréhender le futur plus positivement
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Pacific Ventury
Jul 2, 20194 min read
What if the Turing test was actually for us, humans?
Alan Turing became famous for having been the one who allowed the Allies to decipher the encryption machines of the German army during...
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Pacific Ventury
Apr 19, 20199 min read
When innovation must rhyme with inclusion ... Or when Rabelais was still right!
Case study: the failed development of floating islands in French Polynesia Some information will not be published in this article or only...
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Pacific Ventury
Apr 19, 201910 min read
Quand innovation doit rimer avec inclusion… Ou quand Rabelais a encore eu raison!
Cas d’étude : la tentative de développement du projet d’îles flottantes en Polynésie française Certaines informations ne seront pas...
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